Our People
ACHM has a large team of cultural heritage professionals, allowing us to provide comprehensive and flexible service for any project, anywhere. Several of our senior group are leaders in their respective fields with international research and publication records. We offer pragmatic solutions, client-oriented strategic thinking and broad industry experience which will prove invaluable to your project. We have extensive experience in conducting archaeological and ethnographic surveys of greenfield and brownfield developments, major archaeological excavations, community consultation, cultural values recording, rock art recording and writing over 500 cultural heritage management plans.
We employ highly qualified and experienced consultants in all our offices. Our minimum qualification for staff is generally an Honours Degree in Archaeology or cognate discipline. The Project Manager assigned to your projects will always have a minimum of an honours degree in archaeology or anthropology and 5 years’ experience in undertaking similar tasks.
The people who work at ACHM pride themselves on the strength and quality of the relationships built with clients and stakeholders. We value these relationships very highly. Above all else, ACHM always strives to deliver cost-effective heritage solutions for our clients, delivered to the highest of professional standards, on-time, and on-budget, but while always working within a 'zero-harm' safety culture.
ACHM has archaeologists and anthropologists on staff to resource any project. We aim to be the consultants of choice for our clients because of our firm's quality of work and the quality of our personnel.
Our specialties include:
- Anthropological survey, assessment and recording of cultural values
- Archaeological Predictive Modelling
- Archaeological survey, sampling and excavation (open sites and rock shelters)
- Community Relations
- Cultural Heritage Management Plans
- Expert Witness
- Identification and Analysis of Ethnographic Sites and Cultural Values
- Identification and Analysis of Rock Art (petroglyphs and painted)
- Identification, Excavation and Analysis of Human Remains
- Identification, Excavation and Analysis of Shell Middens
- Native Title and Connection Reporting
- Stone Tool Identification, recording and analysis
- Culturally modified tree Identification, recording and analysis.
- Strategic Heritage Advice